
PHYTOBIOPHYSICS® is a range of flower formulas which uses vibrational energy of plants to release energy blocks in the human body.

PHYTOBIOPHYSICS® philosophy has been created by Lady Prof. Diana Mossop, the founder of the Institute of Phytobiophysics, Jersey, UK – a long-term advocate of an energetic approach to personal wellbeing.

PHYTOBIOPHYSICS® Flower Formulas aid healing by:

  • Removing energy blocks
  • Re-balancing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual disturbances
  • Improving assimilation of vital nutrients
  • Rectifying impact of environmental pollutants
  • Enabling the body to function harmoniously

PHYTO-BIO-PHYSICS is the application of living energy of plants for the benefit of the human body, mind and spirit.


  • When white light enters the body through the eyes it is split into the different frequencies of colour by the pineal gland which acts as a prism. When you are well, this colour rainbow travels through the body, and re-balances the energy systems.
  • Stress as well as disease and viruses vibrate on frequencies that bring disturbance to the healthy, balanced life flows within the body. These energy disturbances can be measured using a galvanometer.
  • When your energy field is in disharmony, you will instinctively choose colours that match the frequency of your areas of imbalance on whichever plane it is needed.
  • By removing energy blocks, the flower formulas restore energetic body and soul balance allowing the body’s own healing ability to flow freely.
  • PHYTOBIOPHYSICS® Flower Formulas are one of the safest ways of enabling the body to heal itself as they do not interact with any prescribed or over the counter medications.

Thus, the flowers and trees around us do much more for us than just serve as a backdrop for our pictures – they interact with us on many subtle levels. PHYTOBIOPHYSICS could almost be called PLANT TALK.

Which flower or tree speaks to you the most? Find out how to match its frequency to that of your problem area for yourself.