Body Mind Insights Terms & Conditions

Please read the information below on terms and conditions for the supply of Information, goods and services through Body Mind Insights. These terms do not affect your statutory rights.

  1. Body Mind Insights (from now on referred to as BMIs) is the trading name of the consultancy provided by myself, Beata Rachowiecka. By embarking on seeking my guidance you agree to be bound by the BMIs Terms of Engagements listed below. These are governed by the laws of England and any disputes will be decided only by the English courts. I, Beata Rachowiecka, will not be responsible for any breach of these Terms caused by circumstances beyond my control. Since the Terms are updated from time to time, it is your responsibility to review them periodically.
  2. Consultations may be booked by telephone or e-mail. The online booking option is currently under review. Upon booking my automatic mailer, 10to8, will send you confirmation of the details of your visit, together with links to the documents you will need to fill in prior to attending, be it in person or remotely. Once completed, they will have to be returned to me at least 24 hrs prior to your visit by email ( or post. Failure to return the required forms in the specified time frame may result in postponement of the consultation.
  3. All information provided by you is kept private and confidential since I comply with the Data Protection law and never share your personal information with third parties. The only exception to this rule is when I order test kits or products on your behalf – in which case I understand I have your permission to do so. Above that, BMIs upholds strict security procedures for the storage and use of any personal information I may collect about you.
  4. The aim of my input is to facilitate your biochemical re-balancing and self-healing, be it caused by nutrient deficiencies, poor digestion &/or absorption, imbalanced gut ecology or other adverse events in your life. My therapeutic suggestions are to improve your vitality with the use of the disciplines I am an expert in, i.e. Functional Nutrition, Phytobiophysics, BodyTalk /BodyIntuitive or Pranic Healing, whether employed separately or together. My advice is intended neither to diagnose nor treat any medical conditions, nor is meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment. Do not stop taking your prescribed medication for any reason without consulting your doctor first.
  5. My advice and guidance, including your diet and supplement programme, will depend on the information you provide in the BMIs Questionnaire and during the consultation(s). It is your responsibility to keep your doctor informed about the work we are doing together as well as to keep me informed of the changes to your treatment made by your doctor. This is important because of possible interactions between prescribed medication and foods or nutritional supplements. No responsibility will be accepted in cases where diagnosed medical conditions, medication or any other relevant details have been knowingly or unwittingly omitted or not fully disclosed initially or at all other times whenever these may change or be adjusted by your doctor whilst working with me. I will only contact your GP if you have specifically granted me this permission in your BMIs Questionnaire.
  6. If you are unclear about my food & other lifestyle recommendations, supplement doses or time period of your treatment, you should contact me promptly for clarification. No responsibility is accepted by myself for the accuracy of tests carried out by third parties that may form the basis of my recommendations. Whilst the degree of benefit obtainable from the disciplines I practice may vary between individuals, success of the programme will depend to a large extent on the overall current condition of your body, your health reserves, as well as your compliance with my advice. No responsibility can be accepted if there is noncompliance, if you or another party interferes with my recommendations, or your dietary and supplement plan is continued beyond the specified period of time at the time of receiving my guidance.
  7. You will be involved in the decision-making process pertaining to the best treatment options for your needs. When you may need further testing before I am able to make firm recommendations, your programme will be formulated taking these into account.
  8. The cost of a 90 minute consultation is £200, a 60 minute one is £150, be it the initial or a follow up one (some people wish to have a longer follow up visit). Additional time can be added to your visit, telephone or video call or email exchange and it will be charged for pro-rata to the nearest 30 minute interval (£75). Presentation to groups and any other proprietary courses will be priced individually. All charges are reviewed periodically and you will be informed of these changes at the time of introducing them.
  9. In the event of extensive medical history details being provided either before or during the consultation (i.e. over and above the scope of the BMIs’ Questionnaire), I reserve the right to make an additional charge (pro rata for every additional 15 minutes spent studying it = £35) over and above the standard consultation fees referred to above.
  10. Please note, when a consultation or presentation takes place on the client premises, the full cost of travel is added to the cost of consultation per time spent, be it petrol or train fare. Where the destination is over 30 minutes away from BMIs’ base, the extra time spent on travel will be changed on a pro-rata per time basis.
  11. Any cost of the supplements recommended during your consultation will be your responsibility to be settled directly with the product provider and expected to be paid for over and above my consultation fee. I may recommend a distributor to you who typically carries the suggested products but my recommendations are not based on any ties to any specific manufacturer – only on your needs at the time of making these recommendations.
  12. If more evidence-based data is required in order to formulate your programme, you will be asked to undergo tests carried out either at your home, through your GP or at a given laboratory. The prices of any private external tests vary and are NOT included in my consultation fees either.
  13. Payments can be made by a wire transfer or cash only and always prior to the time of a consultation. The funds need to have cleared into my account by the time of your appointment. Where payment has not come through, I reserve the right not to proceed with the consultation at my discretion. In future I may be able to accept payments by the payment feature on my 10to8 booking page via Stripe which will carry a small surcharge. I will accept payment by European registered Visa or Mastercard but not those registered elsewhere since they incur higher charges. My bank details are provided to you in the Terms & Conditions document as a link from your confirmation of appointment email.
  14. Any letters to be written to your GP, consultant or any other third party will be charged £20, whilst any additional phone calls will be charged on a pro-rata per time basis as referred to in point 8 above. These fees will have to paid at the time of requesting the contact to be made.
  15. You are entitled to one free telephone call (up to 15 min duration) or one e-mail regarding your initial treatment plan. All subsequent calls or e-mails that require more time spent on my behalf will be charged pro rata as in point 8 above to avoid abuse but my discretion will be applied to each case.
  16. You can source the specific supplements or tests recommended by me from the suppliers I suggest or obtain them elsewhere. You will be responsible for settling any charges directly. For clarity, Body Mind Insights has no underlying business interest or direct link to any specific manufacturer or supplier and any recommended products are chosen entirely to meet your personal needs.
  17. Cancellations of consultations can be made at least 24 hrs prior to the agreed time. If less notice is given, you will incur a full consultation fee which will be charged at all times but for real and unpredictable emergencies.
  18. Recording consultations using any form of electronic media is not allowed without a written agreement of both parties and only when notification has been given prior to the time of the consultation and agreed by the practitioner.
  19. Your personal information will be captured from the moment of your first interaction with Body Mind Insights (either by working with me or visiting the BMIs website). It will be stored in-house and on secure cloud facility and will only be used for communicating with you directly, or via a Mailchimp generated newsletter, or for internal statistical purposes. Body Mind Insights will NEVER impart your details to third parties as it fully complies with the Data Protection Act and GDPR rules. The only exception is when ordering tests or supplements for you by myself but this will be always done with your permission. Please refer to our GDPR Privacy Notice under a LEGAL footer on the website for full details.
  20. By signing the declaration on either Body Mind Insights Questionnaire or BodyTalk Consent Form you demonstrate that you fully understand and agree to be bound by the above Terms and Conditions.