The Joy of Movement

New Year’s resolutions & importance of movement WHAT IS MOVEMENT? Movement is part of life and without it we would not stay alive. It is simply a shift in energy, its flow. How it translates into a physical reality, depends on the vehicle. Let’s consider our physical bodies. Our blood needs to move, our lungs […]

End of summer

It is this time again: autumn in the air! As we come back from our summer excursions or longer stays away, school, uni and work beckons. The warm days are thinning down, moisture fills the air a little more, and the days are getting shorter as the light is fading earlier. On a good day […]

Sun, sun, sun ….

We have not been spoilt this year in the UK with too much of the summer sunshine(an understatement as it may be). So when in the last few days the sun came out infull swing, the heat and lsunight hungry folk came out onto the beaches and into theirgardens to lap it up in abundance. […]

Cleansing cocktails

‘Food be Thy medicine and medicine be Thy food’. This old Hippocrates’ saying has always been relevant in today’s world but it comes into its own in summer. When the fresh produce abounds and even wild plants are aplenty, it makes for a perfect time to fortify our health with juices and smoothies made from […]

Laughter is healthful

Life is not always a walk in the park. But how we view it changes the game: a glass half- empty or half-full. Since mindset takes longer to change than the energy in the room, how about resorting to a simple yet powerful tool available to all: laughter. Have you ever considered gifting yourself such […]

The Secret of Change

When the worlds collide The Secret of Change Is to focus all of your energy, Not on fighting the old, But on building the new. Socrates I have written this blog just before the total solar eclipse on 8/4/24. For some this phenomenon in itself was scary to witness it in its entirety: darkness falling […]

Springtime wellbeing

Springtime is in the air… Every year springtime may pose a degree of a challenge: how to navigate transitionfrom cooler, winter climate to slightly warmer and lighter days that allow you to enjoyyour life more. This seasonal shift takes place every year. Yet, despite not being newto this annual cycle, we may still need a […]

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